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The History of 
Beech Street Theatre Company

Prologue: Michael's Drive


The story of Beech Street Theatre Company begins where many great stories do; in the driver's seat of a 2004 Chevy. In early 2013, Michael Khashmanian, the Founder of BSTC, was driving south on Cochrane St. in Whitby when he stopped at a stop sign. At the stop, he noticed a street sign he hadn't seen before, Beech St. W. 


In that moment, he was reminded of Baker Street, made famous by Sherlock Holmes. Beech Street had a very Baker Street ring to it. Micheal was charmed by the Beech Street name, not long after his discovery of it he suggested it as a name for a theatre company to his longtime friend, Dr. Mark Terry.


Not long after, Mike & Mark launched the Beech Street Theatre Company and were the inaugural board of directors for this new & nascent theatre group. Quickly, the Beech Street spark became a flame and the board grew. This ragtag group of theatre enthusiasts, all hailing from different skill sets and backgrounds, was the foundation which built Beech Street Theatre Company. 

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